Clipboard with pencil checking boxes.

Thank you for completing your application to the Lake Oswego Farmers' Market. Your interest in the Market is greatly appreciated!

*In addition, please review the Lake Oswego Farmers’ Market vendor handbook in full on our website under the vendor tab. * The handbook details Market rules, selection criteria, setup/close procedures, insurance and licensing requirements, etc. It is a valuable tool for both new and returning vendors. All vendors must agree to abide by these rules.

*There is a nonrefundable $25 application fee; $10 application fee for vendors in the Young Entrepreneur Program. Once you have completed your application, please remit payment using this portal. Applications are not considered complete until the fee is received. *

Market selections will be made and decisions sent via email by at the end of March. For questions or concerns, please contact Farmers' Market Manager, Shelley Burgess or 503-697-6517.

Farmers' Market Application Fee
Used to contact you in case of problem with payment
Farmer/Grower - $25.00 Hot Food & Refreshment - $25.00 Artist - $25.00 Non-Profit - $25.00 Young Entrepreneur - $10.00
Payment method
Payment Details
Payment amount

Welcome to our Miscellaneous payment portal. 


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